This is my first blog in a long time, I really started this for my daughter Kymora Jackson aka Princess Ice aka Sugar Baby.. Today she is one month old and getting bigger by the day. She is getting some color to go with her two big dimples. I was off from the 9-5 today because I'm off on every Monday. I made the most of my day. I have a few deals going on and I am trying to close on them. I have to wake up extra early tomorrow to get an offer on a South Philly Home to the agent before he gets to work. It's a low ball offer but I want to give him a gut check to see if he will bite and after talking to him he just might.
Its a few things I need to work on and that's time management since having my daughter I have been trying to stay home more. If it was up to me I would just work, make money and stack my bread. (In that order) I turned down a job last week that was offering me more money and I'm still hoping that was a good decision. They wanted to me work more money but they will be there. I'm good at what I do, but my goal is to start my own real estate business. And I need a few more experience points from the real estate board to get my brokers license.
I like playing this new game called word with friends I'm 0-10 but I can feel me getting a win soon. Peace out Phillies tied up at the top of the 12th but I gotta get up early.
*Off the top of the head no editing*